Summer Time

I was recently inspired by an article I read over at Nerd Fitness. It was a how to guide on Living Vicariously. You know how sometimes theres a video or a person you see where you walk away thinking Man, I wish I could do that? Yes.

Well I decided that there are a couple of talents that I want to learn, a second language for one.  Of course I prefer to start with small goals and work my way up.  For this Summer I plan to:

1. Write a minimum of 50,000 words this summer.
I want to improve my writing and to do that I need to practice more. I don’t mean writing a novel, but short stories as well. Just so long as the cumulative is that 50k mark.

2. Swim a mile.
People who’ve read this know I swam a lot last semester. I didn’t continue this semester but I want to return to it. The most laps I did in one night was twenty. A mile is thirty five. I will work my way back up, I swear.  I did this originally to control my back pain and it really is great.

In August I’ll let you know if I managed to keep it up.

What are your summer goals?

Tell me below so we can keep tabs on each other.


Care to share?